Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Button-Up Mania - New High Sales

Congrat's to Block 2, Group 2 and 4 who each deposited $50 in CASH from the success of their "BIG IDEA" sales. Proving once again the concept of the big idea works, you just need to put in the effort.

Special congrat's to Group 4 who is in first place among all the groups in Block 1 and 2. Keep up the outstanding work! I am very proud of your efforts.

Mr. F. Pizzo

Friday, September 19, 2008

New Product Design Winners

This week students participated in the third activity to build a creative original product and make a class presentation. Students are definitely proving they can use critical thinking skills in order to complete a difficult task.

The following groups are the winners this week:
Block 1, Group 2 "Safe and Sound" Security Device
Block 2,Group 5 "Nanny Caddy" Automated Cleaning Device

Great work groups.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Money Monopoly Tycoon

Congrat's to Devin McCarthy for becoming the all-time Money Monopoly Tycoon in managing almost $10,000 of cash for the second round of Money Monopoly. Devin earned so much income he had to hire a financial adviser (Justin Williams) to help manage his investments. Way to go Devin - you are definitely putting your marketing knowledge to good use.

Too Bad for Faith..... hopefully the dice will roll in your direction next time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Congrat's to Block 1, Group 4 who have collected 50 eye glass frames - way to go!

Friday, September 12, 2008


1) Did you sell your buttons this week? If not your at the half way point :-(

2) What's new with your big idea? Monday your having a quiz on your big idea - spread the word to your group members

3) Have you share your extra credit opt's with your group members:

4) How are you coming with your eye glass frame collections? Have you emailed the DECA president with an update:
"‎Pres-ALEX Williams‎"‎

5) Have you spoken with your parents about your project - I sure they would help if you asked. (in block two; Ashley's mother is purchasing $50 custom buttons for her job and Emilie sold 50 buttons to person running for public office in Milton Manors) It can be done - you just need to put in the effort.

Monday, September 8, 2008


This month, the officers and members of the DECA Club have created a service learning project to collect old Eyeglass Frames. These frames will be sent to non-profit organizations such as; the “Miami Lighthouse for The Blind and Visually Impaired,” where their goal is to provide vision rehabilitation and eye health services to the low-income communities of South Florida.

Alex Williams, the President of DECA said “We are excited to develop this project as we have seen a need in our community to ensure those who glasses have them.”

Frames will be being collected over the next month during and after school hours. Many of us still have our old eye glasses sitting around the house collecting dust. Now is the time to make a difference and put those old frames to good use.

Donations can be brought to Mr. Pizzo in room 173 or given to any DECA representative during the day.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Reminders for Group Leaders and Co-Leaders

1) Do you have emails on each member - are you sending them emails?
2) The BIG IDEA is a great way to increase your sales ... quickly. Help your group members to make this a success.
3) Have you started on your posters - You will have time in class the first of the week -- they need to get done.
4) Resumes are about completed - has your sect obtained one from each member -- what about your groups recommendations letters
5) I am offering project extra credit for any group who comes up with a creative button idea for our schools "Anti-Bullying Campaign

Thursday, September 4, 2008


The following list is necessary to complete in order to earn a semester “A” grade in any of the Academy of Marketing Management courses. Please review the criteria and sign the bottom – retain you’re a copy for yourself.

1) Complete all assigned class work as provided on the daily agenda by the due date

2) Ensure your class work is neat, organized and professionally submitted

(Typing your class work in class is a sure way to accomplish this

3) Title your class work with: Your name, date, course name and block in the top right corner on your paper, then write the name of the class work on the top left

4) If you are absent from school – Please speak with me to make-up your class work

Note: this does not include long-term projects, guest speaker events or group assignments

5) Always write in blue or black ink – pencil, red, green, purple, etc. will not be accepted

6) Turn in your completed class work to the gray collection box on the side desk - then separate your class work and quick starts into the correct file folders

7) You will receive your graded class work back every few days. You MUST file your graded class work into your assigned student folder in the classroom file cabinet - keep your graded class work folder neat and by date – make a separate stack of just your Quick Starts – This will also be graded at the end of each 9-weeks

8) Complete your 50 word reply to the Quick Start every day. It is worth a test score at the end of each 9 week grading period

9) Participation is 25% of your overall grade; ensure you are involved in classroom and DECA service learning activities

10) Group activities are very large portion of your overall grade – work closely with your group leader to ensure you are meeting the assigned requirements of your group