Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Final Exam: Performance Assessment

Spring 2009
Senior Academy Students

Write a 200 word reply to each of the following Essay questions: Value 15 points each
Role Model: Compare and contrast your roles for the last two projects as a group leader of the “Button-Up Mania” project and your specific Service Learning project.

Recruiting: The Academy of Finance and Marketing has developed into a strong academic program so far this year. However, describe ways in which the recruiting for this program could do a better job at identifying sophomore and junior students with a specific interest in the “Gold Seal” scholarship: $6,000 for four years of college.

DECA: is one of the largest clubs on campus (over 70 members) describe ways in which you can increase the following; (a) public relations in the community (b) obtain 100% enrollment of student members {currently its about 80%} (c) ways which the club officers could work together more productively among the two classes and (d) obtain support from other teachers and administrators.

Guest Speakers: This year there have been several types of guest speakers. In your opinion(a) what type of speaker have you liked the best and why? (Example: I like the military) and (b) which specific guest speaker did you like the most and why? (You can use your graded speaker summary to help you).

Write a 100 word reply to each of the following Short Essay questions: Value 4 points each
What have you learned about yourself, regarding your ability to lead others?
What are five adjectives that describe you? And why?
What is your greatest weakness and what is your greatest strength?
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
What is the most significant challenge you have faced this school year?

Complete the Operational Organization activity: Value 20 points
Leadership is certainly important skill to have, however having a strong basis for “Operational Organization” is also key to your success in business. Using the attached old Quick Starts (QS) from the past two plus years, you are to follow these directions:
1) Organize the QS into stacks of the same QS,
2) Read each QS and underline the key statement the student wrote which answers the quote,
3) Type the statement under the appropriate quote,
4) Email me your tallied results, within the body of the email to my email address,
5) Once I confirm I have received your email you can discard your QS’s.

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